We are living in a time of powerful resurgence of the national discussion on racism, diversity, and inclusion.  Many people, companies and organizations, including the USCA, have spoken out in support of taking that discussion more seriously now than ever. Within much of the curling community, discussions in the past about diversity have been severely inadequate and have often missed the point entirely.  The Mountain Pacific Curling Association (MoPac) hopes not only to reaffirm our commitment to making curling a sport everyone can comfortably enjoy, but also to mark the beginning of a broader discussion of diversity and inclusion in our region.  We all can and need to do a better job making the curling community a more welcoming place for everybody – especially people of color who are dramatically underrepresented in the sport.  We invite all curlers within the MoPac region to help curling become that inclusive sport that we believe it can be. – The MoPac Diversity & Inclusion Committee

We hope to share resources to help us all better understand and articulate the journey we must take.


Glossary (Rise to Win, a nonprofit dedicated to educating and empowering the sports community towards social justice, has created a glossary of key terms as part of their Ross Initiative in Sports for Equality.) Such a glossary can be useful to provide all parties an opportunity to use shared, common language.


Webinars & Podcasts:

Global Initiative for DEI Curling:
  • “The Global Initiative for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Curling was established to make our sport more diverse, equitable and inclusive by drawing upon the collective wisdom, passions, skills and resources of its members.” – from @GlobalCurlingDEI Facebook page
  • Facebook page for DEI Curling
  • Video page for Global Initiative for DEI in Curling
  • Numerous videos available on the topics of Structure & Policies of a Curling Organization and Club Development & Grassroots work in DEI.
Curler Outreach Program: