Curling is at once a game of skill and camaraderie. The friendships and social aspects are a large part of the game that the MoPac 5 & Under Committee always seeks to foster among newer curlers at the yearly 5&U event. This year, many clubs have yet to take the ice and others have seen the social aspects of the game crippled by the pandemic.
At the beginning of the 2020-2021 season, it was hoped that the effects could be minimized by Spring 2021 and that the 5&U could proceed as it has in the past. However, attempts at planning the event have shown that a ‘normal’ 5&U event is not possible at this time. We cannot say with certainty where the nation’s Covid-19 outbreak will be in Spring 2021 but we know every aspect from travel, location, food and social events will, at best, still be recovering and at worst untenable.
With this in mind, the 2021 MoPac 5&U event is canceled. Given the prospect of potential change by Summer 2021, the MoPac 5 & Under Committee may organize a smaller in-person or virtual event. However, that decision likely won’t be made until Spring 2021.
As always, the 5&U Committee is available if you have any questions, concerns or other input. Hopefully, we will be able to safely see each other on the ice sooner rather than later. Thank you.