Curling skill and talents shown bright this past week as five teams from the MoPac region competed at the National Arena Championships held in Wausau, Wisconsin. For the men, Teams Betts (WCCC) and Spangler (WCCC) and for the women, Teams
The health benefits of curling…
Coyotes Curling Club member and health & wellness coach, Kevin Maloney recently penned an article setting out a solid argument about the benefits of curling to help expand a person’s health span (the part of a person’s life when they
To Every Season; A Change of Directors at USCA
Two years ago, Rob Shelton (Boise CC) was elected to the position of the MoPac Director to the USCA Board. This past weekend, the position transitioned to Darryl Horsman (Coyotes CC). Darryl takes over the role – now as a
MoPac E-Spiel Summer 2020!
View the final standings of the MoPac E-Spiel Summer 2020!!! Congratulations to the winners and runners up! Thanks to everyone who participated in our first-ever E-Spiel! There were lots of fantastic online curling skills on display! We hope curlers enjoyed
There’s a buzz at The Hive
The beehive. The state emblem of Utah symbolizes the state motto of industry. What could be more perfect for the work and dedication it takes to put on a bonspiel. Curlers from the Utah Olympic Oval are industriously planning for
Calizona Dreamin’: A dream brings clubs together
Bonspiels are a time of coming together with curling friends, sharing games, broomstacking and making memories. The December 7th weekend event at Coyotes Curling Club was such a bonspiel, but it was also an opportunity to fundraise for San Francisco
LTEC brings dedicated rink to South Lake Tahoe!
It’s been truly amazing and such an exciting time for our little club!
Coyotes Curling Club Teams Excel at 2019 Club Nationals
Heartfelt congratulations go out to the 2019 Club National Championship men’s team winners from Coyotes Curling Club known as Team Siggins: Michael Siggins, Adam Endicott, Travis Gaddie and Eric Kowal. The team was one of two men’s teams participating from
2017 Competitive Wrap-Up
As the days get warmer and the ice begins to heat up (looking at you California Bonspiel season!) we wanted to take a moment to review what was an amazing season of MoPac competitive curling! We had regional representatives from