Event Information:
- The 2020 Mixed National Championship event was scheduled to take place March 28 – April 4, 2020 at the Chaska Curling Center, Chaska, Minnesota
- NOTICE RE CANCELLATION: USA Curling canceled the 2020 Mixed National Championship over concerns about COVID-19. In cancelling the event USA Curling made the following statement:
- “This is not a decision that has been taken lightly, but as always, USA Curling’s primary concern is the health and safety of athletes, volunteers, and host communities. Given the current climate, the organization feels confident in the decision to eliminate potential exposure to these athletes and volunteers via travel and competition.”
MoPac Team:
- Although the MoPac Region’s team was not able to play in the Mixed Nationals Championship due to the event’s cancellation, we are proud of our Region’s team – Team Baird (Coyotes Curling C lub). The Team members are: Jeff Baird, Tatiana Keeling, Tracey Drummond and Sean Keeling
General Rules & Procedures:
- 5-Rock Rule: The 5-rock rule will be enforced at WCF Events, USCA National Events and all playdowns leading to WCF and USCA National Events.
- Brushing Equipment: All players are required to use WCF and USCA compliant brush heads. Brushing and equipment guidelines which will be enforced at national championships and events leading to championships.
- MoPac Berths: The USA Curling Mixed National Championship is a regional-based, geographic championship aimed at determining our top mixed teams from within the USCA regions and/or states. Teams moves through the playdown process via the traditional state and regional championships. This event now leads to a world championship; the winning team of the Mixed National Championship will advance to the Mixed World Championship. The United States Curling Association (USCA) has allotted the Mountain Pacific Curling Association Region (MoPac) one (1) berth to the national event.
- Eligibility: Mixed teams must consist of 2 men and 2 women. Entry is open to teams consisting of a minimum of two dues-paying, league-playing members of MoPac clubs, with up to two USCA members allowed from outside the region. Refer to the USCA Rules of Curling &Competition for complete eligibility guidelines.
- New for 2020 Season: in compliance with US Center for SafeSport and USA Curling MAAPPPolicy, legal Guardian Consent forms are required for all minor athletes giving consent to a supervising adult or coach when a legal parent or guardian is not present or accompanying a minor athlete. Consent forms are to be carried by all designated coaches and supervising adults.
- National Event Information: Can be found online at the USCA webpage for the Mixed National Championship.
- Teams are responsible for all travel costs and meals.
For more information contact mopacca.competitions@gmail.com