Screen shot from Wild Nevada episode featuring LTEC:

This past year has been difficult yet a new curling season awaits and brings the promise of bonspiels, championships and other curling events. It also brings opportunities to reconnect with friends and make new ones, even if done with social distancing. With this in mind the Lake Tahoe Epic Curling club (LTEC) plans to kick off their Spiel season with the Thin Air II spiel, October 15th to 17th, in the midst of beautiful Lake Tahoe.

The organizers hope to have participants from as many clubs as possible.  All clubs within MoPac are invited to send a team! Time for clubs to represent! Anyone interested in playing can contact Eric Hazard (775) 600-1972 to learn about registration details.

Note: Despite recent wildfires, the town and rink were untouched and the rink will be ready to welcome curlers.

Curling on Thin Air!