Coming this Fall: the inaugural MoPac 25 & Under. You asked for it and it’s coming!

Where: Coyotes Curling Club, Tempe Arizona

What is a 25 & Under? The total number of a team’s curling experience must total 25 years or less.

How do I calculate the time? See the eligibility guidelines under the 25 & Under tab.

Registration is first come, first serve, but please take note of the deadline dates below.

Game play will start on Friday morning with the first draw as early as 8:00am (depends on the amount of teams registered). Sunday events including afternoon finals followed by award ceremonies so be prepared to make travel plans accordingly.

Starting on August 8th, the first 2 teams from each MoPac club who sign up are guaranteed a spot. Club majority is determined when 3 or more members are from the same club. Other teams will be added to a waitlist and will be added as space allows after August 15th. If you are not part of the first 2 teams from your club that is registered, make sure to get on the waitlist because rarely does the committee turn a team away!

Team registration fee is $320 payable to MoPac via PayPal. A link will be sent out once your team registration has been confirmed.

Determining eligibility: 
Questions regarding eligibility can be directed to the 25&U committee ( and the committee will make any and all final determinations.

MoPac 25 & Under Coming this Fall!