It happened. Nevada has its first dedicated curling rink. Lake Tahoe, the blue jewel in the high sierras, now has another reason for people to visit. Lake Tahoe Epic Curling (LTEC) has sparked much buzz with its new two sheet facility. Located a short distance from the South Lake Tahoe casinos the facility is currently being tested by its members and lucky learn-to-curl participants. “It’s been truly amazing and such an exciting time for our little club!,” says Club president Edith Hazard, “We’ve been working hard to get this done and it’s wonderful to see it come together.” The build began October 2018 in a refurbished building that also houses the Lake Tahoe Regional Planning Agency.

The rink is currently still being built out; phase one is done – the ice is in. Phase two will see the warm room completed by September. A viewing area, locker rooms and a kitchen area will round out the facility. At the moment the rink is not fully open for business but as soon as the building is done, LTEC hopes to begin planning events. “As soon as we get our occupancy permits we hope to open our doors,” assures President Hazard, “and hopefully invite other clubs to showcase our rink.” In future LTEC plans to hold many events and hopes the curling community will make the trip to play. From all accounts the LTEC new rink is set to become a popular destination located in the picturesque town.

Where: 128 Market St, Unit 1A, Stateline, Nevada 89449, off Hwy 207.
For more information: @LakeTahoeEpicCurling and

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